Friday, 24 May 2019

Adik turned 3 years old 🎈🎈🎈

Nak cakap "cepatnya masa berlalu... " so cliche right? Tapi itulah hakikatnya. Sekejap je Adik dah 3 tahun. Dari baby sekarang dah toddler. Mulutnya pun dah petah sangat dan makin panjang akalnya. Cayang Adik πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

Sambutan birthday Adik kali ni lebih istimewa. It was celebrated outside KL. Sejak 2 hari lepas kami berada di luar kawasan, ikut Walid outstation. Kemana tu? I'll share later insha Allah.

On that special night, Walid made a reservation at one of the top restaurants here for iftar-cum-birthday celebration. Asal ada birthday cake tu dikira 'celebration' for us :)

Hadiah dari Abang, Angah dan Kakak.

Kakak used her 'expertise' to make a lovely birthday card.

Abang bagi buku tulis sebab Adik suka melukis/mewarna. Bolehlah Adik mencurahkan ideanya dalam buku tu hihi... Angah pula bagi buku cerita, which was nicely wrapped by him with Walid's instruction. He brought along the wrapper all the way from Gombak. So sweet 😍😍😍

The celebration was more meaningful to us because the restaurant staff gave us a surprise when they noticed that we brought a birthday cake. They played a birthday song and sang the song together. Adik was overjoyed. Her Ummi? She was so delighted until she forgot to take pictures of the moment. Sorry guys :( but I managed to record the moment. Here are the screenshot from the video;

Thank you Horizon Garden Seri Manjung for making Adik's birthday more meaningful and special. Definitely we are honored and touched.

To Adik dearie;
Ummi Walid doakan adik sentiasa jadi penghibur keluarga, sentiasa dilindungi dan dirahmati setiap langkahmu, berjaya, bahagia dan selamat di dunia dan akhirat aamiin.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Adik!

    Moga jadi anak solehah penyejuk hati ummi dan walid. Ameen πŸ’•

  2. Selamat ulangtahun kelahiran adik.. moga terus membesar menjadi anak yg solehah.. ameen.... (jemput singgah dan follow blog saya, nanti saya akan followback.. terima kasih) :)

    1. Aamiin.
      Terima kasih atas doanya 😍
      Terima kasih singgah sini. Will do, insha Allah.

  3. Happy belated birthday! to Adik semoga menjadi anak solehah yang membahagiakan keluarga.

    Wah! seronoknya celebrate kat luar Ummi boleh rilex jer... kan hehehe...

    1. Tq aunty 😘
      Hah tu la, takyah masak just enjoy the ceremony hihi

  4. sanah helwah adik.. nati raya datg umah tau.. antie bagi uwet rayeeee hehehehe

    1. Tq aunty cayang 😘
      Datang sekarang boleh ke haha...

  5. happy birthday, adik dearie.
    moga jadi anak yg solehah, penyejuk hati ibu ayah selamanya ye :)
